First Lutheran Church, Chattanooga First Lutheran Church was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1887. First Lutheran has beautiful, reverent liturgy each Sunday that is full of God's Word and lifts our hearts away from the noise of this world and into the praise of our God in heaven. In our Divine Service, God (the Divine), serves us as He washes us again in the waters of our Baptism (Confession & Absolution), teaches us His Word in the readings and sermon, and feeds us His Son's body & blood for forgiveness, strength, and eternal life. There are so many opportunities to serve and to be served! Worship, Bible Classes and Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, Youth group, Men's group, Ladies groups, LWML, Daycare for ages 6-weeks to 2 years, Preschool for 3 & 4 year olds, an elementary school, a middle school, and a Church camp on Lake Chickamauga. Come join us as we grow in Christ, our Lord and Savior & show His Love to others! Visit our website (link below). First Sunday in Lent - March 9, 2025 Ash Wednesday 2025 Quinquagesima 3/2/25 Sexagesima 2/23/25 Septuagesima 2/16/25 Transfiguration of Our Lord 2/9/25