News and Announcements

Camp Workday (3)
Church Workday
Expecting mothers' brunch
Easter Lilies single - 2025
Easter Egg Hunt

Ladies' and Men's Fellowship
The ladies of the church gather on the third Thursday of each month at 6pm for fellowship and good meals. All women of the church are welcome. Check our emails or call the church office for location of the month.

The men of the church gather on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30pm for fellowship and good meals at Rib & Loin on Brainerd Rd.  All men of the church are welcome.

Board and Committee Information

               Every member of the congregation is eligible to serve on any of the Boards; we encourage you to do so. Below is a list of the Boards with the names of the current Chairperson and a brief synopsis of what each Board’s responsibilities are.

  1. Parish Fellowship – Denise Topp
    * Plan congregational meals and receptions
    * Oversee the Breakfast Room on Sundays between services
  2. Christian Education – Dari Selcer

    • Nursery
    • Sunday School classes
    • Vacation Bible School
    • Bible classes
    • Youth activities
    • Youth gatherings
  1. Building & Grounds – Michael Stephens
    • Oversee the maintenance of FLC’s church property
  2. BCA School Board – Joyce Enloe
    • Set school policies
    • Approve BCA’s budget
    • Oversee the hiring of teachers and staff
  3. Stewardship – Pastor Pingel
    • Ensures we are good stewards with our gifts
  4. Social Ministry – Nancy Gray
    • Food Pantry
    • Alzheimer’s Walk
    • EPB bills for those in need
    • The Giving Tree at Christmas
    • Outreach to the community
  5. Camp Board – Robby Tyson
    • Maintenance of the church campgrounds on Possum Creek
    • Plan camp activities such as the Luau, Fun Day and Oktoberfest
  6. Elders – Kenny Freer
    • Spiritual welfare of Pastor
    • Church services
    • Care for their assigned families
  7. Evangelism – Matt Townley
    • Greet and follow-up on visitors
    • Invite the community to worship with us
    • Help equip our congregation to share God’s message

Besides the Board positions, there are other committees always needing help. Here are a few that you are invited to engage in.

  1. FNS (Friday Night Social)Nancy Gray
    • Plan fun fellowship events quarterly for the Congregation, such as Lookouts Ball Game, Axe Throwing, Bowling and the Annual Church Cruise!
  2. Altar Guild Marie Townley
    • Setting up communion; decorating the church during Advent and Lenten seasons
  3. Quilters Kathleen McMullen & Nancy Morkert
    • Make quilts to send to Room at the Inn/International World Relief; NO sewing skills required
  4. Ladies’ Thursday Night Fellowship Janice Meissner
    • Every 3rd Thursday at 6:00 at various restaurant venues: devotions, meal and fellowship
  5. Men’s Thursday Night FellowshipRobert Campbell
    • Every 3rd Thursday at 6:30 at Rib & Loin in Brainerd: devotions, meal and fellowship
  6. LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League)Edeltraud Parker
    • Every 2nd Thursday at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall: snacks devotions, meeting and fellowship
  7. Wednesday Bible Study Pastor Pingel
    • 1:30 every Wednesday in the Chapel
  8. Choir/BellsJustin Hipp
    • Practice every Wednesday (except during the summer): Bells at 5:30 pm, Choir at 6:30 pm

We are also in need of help in the following areas:

  1. NurseryDari Selcer
    • During the 11:00 am Sunday service and special holy days, on a rotating schedule
  2. Parish Fellowship and Breakfast Room Denise Topp
    • Supply and set up snacks for between the 8:30 am and 11:00 am services, on a rotating schedule. Other social events at the church.
  3. Youth Sunday School teachers Dari Selcer
  4. Young Families Social Group – Anyone interested in organizing this? We are blessed with many children up to middle school age. We would love to get them involved in social activities with the church. If interested, please contact Dari Selcer or Nancy Gray.

Thank you to all who have served and those who continue to serve at FLC!